Fr Ben Garren

If the Cross-Consciousness of Christ were to be understood by all mankind, an idealistic society could be easily effected. It saves life about to perish. It redeems lost power. It gives freedom of truth to the sin-petrified soul. It regenerates the power of growth of the Kingdom of God in a degenerate soul. It gives power of selection to those who have lost it. It furnishes the right order to those in confusion. Finally, it saves with love those who have strayed from the purpose of life. If the spirit of the cross were interwoven into our daily life, there would be absolutely no faltering or fumbling in our practice of economics. —Toyohiko Kagawa

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Toyohiko Kagawa organized for labor rights, women suffrage, and pacifism in Japan in the years leading up to World War II. His actions got him regularly arrested. As he worked with Albert Einstein and others to bring about a Constitution for the Federation of Earth he was aware of the shortcomings of capitalism, socialism, and fascism and how all fell short of the Gospel of Christ.

His hope was for an economic policy fully aware of the Cross of Jesus, the pouring out of God’s power on the cross in love of humanity. In every economic decision we make as persons and we make as a community he wanted us to ask…“How does this transform the lives of the dispossessed?”

As we continue our Eastertide devotions what I hope we can reflect on is how are we bringing this Cross Consciousness that Kagawa spoke to into our personal lives and into our life as community. It is Kagawa’s, and many other theologians’, thought that only by being conscious on the outpouring of the cross can we create a personal and communal life that shows forth the Light of Christ at Easter.

