Mtr Mary Trainor

Enter through the narrow gate…

Dear friend,

During my freshman year in college I was drawn to the “wide open gate” of skipping class. I read my assignments. Plus, the professor was dull. What was the harm in a little taste of freedom, I thought. Skipping became more and more easy. It felt like freedom.

I found out the hard way. If I had stuck to the narrow rules I would not have gotten myself into a pickle.


A narrow gate does not appeal at first glance. Maybe it’s a secret passageway to…where? Or, from where? Maybe it’s private. Not necessarily secret, just private. Maybe vines are covering it, prfeventing a sneak-peek. Does it even have a handle? Is it locked? A narrow gate is a bit worrisome.

In the Office Gospel today from Matthew, Jesus talks about a narrow gate. And that it is the one to choose if we want life. 

We have a choice of a big, wide fancy gate that is beckoning to us. It’s so attractive and seems safe enough (like skipping class.) If we got in, surely we could get out. What’s the harm in the wider gate?


I have trouble thinking of Jesus as the narrow gate. This Gospel always tends to throw me off kilter. Mostly because I think of Jesus as accessible, wide open, transparent. Everyone is welcome. And that is true, I still believe.

But not everything goes. If I call myself a follower of Jesus the Christ  there are just some things I cannot do. 

Jesus identified the top two commandments as Love God, Love Neighbor. Minding those should keep me busy and out of trouble. 

Mtr Mary