Updates from a few of our Partner Sites

BITD Cohort at the Habitat for Humanity Beloved Build Day!

BITD Cohort at the Habitat for Humanity Beloved Build Day!

If you are interested in serving in one of these organizations, I am very happy to connect you with the Beloved in the Desert Corps Member who knows their volunteer system. If you are interested in donating funds so that we con offset partner site fees and keep them affordable, please see the donate note at the top and bottom of this newsletter. A goal of the Beloved in the Desert community is to draw our Saint Philip’s community more deeply into the community to serve.

Habitat Build

On Friday, October 11, Elaine invited the Beloved in the Desert Corps Members and me to the 40th Birthday celebration for Habitat for Humanity, Tucson. Except for Elaine and Jess, this was a first Build for the rest of us. We ran into Kathy and John Kitagawa in one of their natural habitats, a Habitat Build, and Kathy was gracious enough to take a few photos of the occasion. The day was full of camaraderie for lots of groups, and a sense of humility seemed palpable as we worked on simple tasks that will add up to a home, as the sun rose on a new community in Tucson.

The opportunity to serve alongside the Beloveds occasionally reminds me of the importance of the up close and personal work of sharing the love of Christ in all kinds of environments. Wherever you serve and in whatever capacity, I hope you get that sense of compassion and nearness that Jesus invites us into when we live in intentional relationship with each other.

Mtr. Taylor at the Habitat Build Day!

Mtr. Taylor at the Habitat Build Day!