New staff member

By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona

I am pleased to announce that Canon Clyde Kunz has accepted my invitation to serve as the Canon for Stewardship for the Diocese of Arizona. 


The Canon for Stewardship is a volunteer position to aid congregations and the Diocese of Arizona in increasing the capacity of congregations and ministries to raise funds and to educate lay and clergy leaders about current trends and resources in annual and planned giving. 

As part of this ministry, the Canon for Stewardship will be available to:

  • Preach and teach in congregations about giving

  • Meet with Vestries and Bishop’s Committees about increasing their fundraising efforts

  • Help congregations establish planned giving programs

The Canon for Stewardship is a stewardship professional with additional gifts and skills that fall outside the responsibilities of this volunteer position. Congregations may wish to contract with Canon Clyde for strategic planning, feasibility studies for capital campaigns, or other fundraising activities, at their own cost. 

I hope many of our congregations will take advantage of this opportunity and wisdom to ensure our congregations are financially sustainable places of generosity and abundance.