From the Rector

Dear Friends in Christ,

One of the great gifts of a community like this one is the many talented people who make this their church home. You all have varied, deep, and multifaceted experience that you bring with you. Your work, hobbies, experiences, travels, relationships, education, and more are all part of the stories you each share that are part of the mosaic that is life here at Saint Philip’s.

Below, Herb Burton, our Treasurer, highlights the ways that one couple were such a vital part of the work of the finance committee. Craig brought his skills and talents—as well as a real and deep generosity in sharing them to life here and to the finance committee. Volunteers like he and Dana make life here possible and help ensure that we continue to be able to welcome new folks with their own stories to tell and experiences to offer.

A mosaic takes bits of this and that, different small pieces, and creates a work of art—sometimes even sublime and breathtaking art. We, as a community of believers, take the pieces of our history and stories and arrange them alongside new ones to form an icon of Christ in the world.

That is the mosaic we share and are together. Thanks to each and every one of you, and especially to Craig and Dana today, for sharing yourselves and for being part of the mosaic, of the Body of Christ, here at Saint Philip’s in the Hills. Thank you for being part of making this a place where people can see, in how we are gathered, transformed, and sent, a living image of Christ at work in and for the world.

Yours in Christ,

—Fr Robert

By Herb Burton, Saint Philip’s Treasurer

Craig and Dana Toedtman are no longer in Tucson to join us for services but their support for Saint Philip’s has continued undiminished. Craig had to return to Philadelphia for health reasons, but that didn’t stop his service on the Finance Committee.

During Craig’s five years on the committee, he helped convert Saint Philip’s financial systems and processes, hired and trained new staff, selected an auditor, and documented financial reports and processes. It is impossible to adequately describe the impact of his contributions to Saint Philip’s financial systems.

Craig has expressed to me many times how much he and Dana miss Saint Philip’s. We, in turn, miss their presence and how well they exemplified the values:

Gathered in love. Transformed by grace. Sent to serve.

Craig has now resigned from the Finance committee. We will miss him but are enormously grateful for his sustained contributions.

Thank you, Craig and Dana.