An ancient path

Wednesday, February 7
Parishioner and parent Kyle Dresback will begin the Mosaic Lenten series with an introduction to the season. Kyle is an active participant in the Parents’ Formation Group and writes reflections for the Daily Bread. You can read two of his most recent meditations by clicking here and here. Formation hours during the rest of Lent will be led by Kelsi Vanada and Julia Annas.

Mosaic will be suspended for the 6:00pm Ash Wednesday service on February 14 but will resume on Wednesday, February 21, and continue through Wednesday, March 20.

A new experiment is underway: during Mosaic, Open Catechesis Atrium for ages 5-10 will be available 6:30pm-7:30pm.

What is Mosaic?
Mosaic is a weekly gathering on Wednesdays for fellowship, formation, and prayer. The community is made up of people from different backgrounds but everyone shares an interest in nourishing their relationship with God. It’s a wonderful way to meet people involved in different ministries at Saint Philip’s and learn about ways to be of service.

You are invited to participate in all events or just one:

5:15pm Worship service in the church
6:00pm Dinner in the Murphey Gallery
6:45pm Formation in the Murphey Gallery