Help get out the vote

Pima County Interfaith (PCI) is a non-partisan community-based organization composed of about 30 churches from many faiths as well as community organizations like the Community Food Bank.

PCI is working to build a local network of motivated volunteers within the next few weeks to organize a targeted Get out the Vote (GOTV) effort for November’s election. This will make a huge difference in how our community votes. This is a purely grassroots, non-partisan effort and is not supporting any specific candidate or party.

Participants will talk to registered voters and explaining the PCI agenda to support Pima County families. This agenda includes job training for living-wage jobs, access to health care, suppressing COVID-19, humane treatment for Immigrants, education, affordable housing, and food security and nutrition. PCI wants to make sure that in this election, every voice is heard, and every voice is counted

A special focus  is to strategically target voter turnout in areas that do not usually vote consistently. This effort will be specifically working in three precincts to the south and west of Saint Philip’s. PCI will  provide you a list of voters and the materials and training you need to be effective, including a script for calls, postcards, and messages. All the work can be done safely from your home.

Would you like to join this effort and have a large influence in our community this 2020? Would you invite others to be part of this effort? If so, please contact Deacon Leah Sandwell-Weiss at 520-661-8696 or e-mail her.